Saturday, April 3, 2010

Table for One Please

A few weeks ago, I was out running some evening errands and wanted to stop and get some dinner. Most of the time I just take it to go or eat it in my car; however, that night I just felt like sitting down in a restaurant and having someone serve me. So, I waited in line at the hostess desk. When it came my turn, the hostess said,"How many? Are you meeting your party here?" I looked her in the eye and gave her the biggest smile possible and responded, "No, table for one please." I could read the awkwardness in her eyes and body language. She looked past me and said, "Ok, great. Follow me." So I sat down and ordered. I was in my own little world until I realized a couple staring at me. Then I started looking around and noticed the majority of the room looking at me. Their heads all snapped back to the forward postion when my scan passed in their direction. It was like everyone was uncomfortable for me. I was the only person in the restaurant eating by myself. I laughed at myself. I had broken a Happy Valley social norm, one of the unwritten commandments: "Thou shalt not be a loner." It was almost satisfying making people uneasy. I sat there the whole time. I didn't call someone to detract from my solitude or ask for my meal to go. I just sat there, enjoyed every morsel of my meal and basked in my social rebellion. I have to say, I was quite proud of myself.

So go to the movies, go out to eat, go camping...just do something by yourself. Be rebellious. Don't care what others think. In fact, defy them. If you are anything like me, it will make you feel stronger, bolder, and risky. Go ahead, take a walk on the wild side!


  1. Ashlee,
    Your mom told me abot your blog. You go girl. I have had some experience with the big D for myself. I appreciate your words. I lived in Utah for a stint in 1989. I know exactly what you are talking about. I married the perfect person also. Im glad you dont feel the need to explain anything to anyone. Keep your head up and the Lord 1st and you will find that special someone just for you when the time is right. Keep up the good work and always remember to take good care of you . As you found out no one else will!!!!! Kevin C.

  2. Go girl! I admire that. I could get better at that myself. Being more comfortable just being alone. I love your blog and your honesty!

  3. One of my favorite things to do is go to the movies by myself. It's like you said, sometimes it's just to not care what other people think. Good luck!

  4. You've discovered masterdating! Congratulations. It's truly a wonderful thing to be at home and comfortable with yourself. :)

  5. You've discovered masterdating! Congratulations. It's truly a wonderful thing to be at home and comfortable with yourself. :)
